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发布时间:2017-03-27 点击次数:



Dear leaders teachers and schoomates, Good morning.


The topic of my speech is Carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng, to be a virtuous young person.


Lei Feng left us for 55 years, he did many good things for people .And the spirit of him spreads so far.

  雷锋有这样一句话:“螺丝钉虽小,其作用是不可估计的。我愿永远做一个螺丝钉。”Lei Feng once said’ Although the screw is small, its role is not estimated. I would like to be a screw forever.’作为我们星源学子,在学校在班级、在宿舍这个大家庭,我们也要学习雷锋的这种“螺丝钉”精神,为这个大家庭尽一份力。AS a student in XingYuang MiddleSchool,we should learn the spirit of the”screw”to try our best to make our family better.这份力量虽然很小很小,但有时用途却很大很大。The power is small,but it’s function is wide.有时校园里因你随手捡起的一片纸,就让运动地板变得更加美丽整洁;sometimes the playgroundt becomes more beatiful and tidy jusbecause you pick up a piece of paper;有时班里因你认真履行一日常规,就够助力班级获得优秀班集体的锦旗; sometimes our class becomes the best just because you follow the school rules;有时宿舍里因你用心打扫卫生,就夺得模范宿舍的锦旗……sometimes our dormitory becomes the best just because you clean the room with your heart. 只要你有了螺丝钉的精神,就是为这个大家庭添了一丝光彩!As long as you have the spirit of the screw, you can make our big family better.

  学习雷锋,不需要做什么惊天动地的大事,To learn from Lei Feng,it doesn't need us to do earthshaking events.当你上课听到同学嬉笑的声音,提醒他上课常规;when you hear your classmates talking in class, you can remind him to follow the class rules;当别人向你请教问题时,热情地帮他()讲解;when somebody asks you some questions, you help him with your heart;当同学遇到困难时,协助他()一起克服困难。when your classmates have problems, you can help him overcome together.这就是学习雷锋的助人为乐精神。This is learning from Lei F eng.从现在起让我们尽力帮助别人,争做一个雷锋式的好少年。let’s try our best to help others and  to be a good student as Lei Feng from now on..

  我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家。That’s all. Thangk you!



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